What am I reading these days? Who cares right? I mean you read your stuff and I read my interests so you're too busy reading your stuff to worry about reading a blog about what I'm reading. Ah, nice try, buy what we need now more than ever in this world where choices abound is advice. Advice is a choice filter we all use to narrow our decisions. I need advice and you need advice or we would never function.
Listen to this quote by John Kremer found at: http://www.bookmarket.com/statistics6.htm
Here is a very interesting excerpt from Chris Anderson's bestseller, The Long Tail:
“The average Barnes & Noble carries 130,000 titles. Yet more than half of Amazon's book sales come from outside its top 130,000 titles. Consider the implications: If the Amazon statistics are any guide, the market for books that are not even sold in the average bookstore is larger than the market for those that are. In other words, the potential book market may be twice as big as it appears to be, if only we can get over the economics of scarcity.”
Do you get it? Even if you can't get your book distributed via bookstores, you can sell more books than many titles now sold via retail stores. You just have to find the long tail that fits your book and the audience for it.
That is an unending sea of books that we can choose from or can't choose from since we can't find them. We have so many choices and so many niche industries and interests that soon everyone will be reading their own stuff that not one other person has ever even known existed.
Here is a book you need to own and read this year.
First, the publisher's short description:
The 52 Greatest Stories of the Bible
A Devotional Study
In today's world, the basic building blocks of a Christian world view are often missing in people's lives. To help fill in this missing information, Boa and Turner present a foundational, clear synthesis of the most significant narratives of the Bible along with the implications and applications of these interrelated stories. They present the big story in such a way that it will: (1) Connect the dots for readers of the Bible, demonstrating how each individual story is really one chapter in the larger story; (2) Show how Jesus is the point to the story, especially his death and resurrection; and (3) Build a biblical world view by showing how the Bible answers the ultimate questions of life.
ISBN: 0830745823
Author Names: Ken Boa and John Alan Turner
Finally, my thoughts.
I rarely if ever recommend a book, especially a devotional. But, this book is different, refreshing in the world of over printing. This devotional makes sense with its style and layout. Very easy to read, only five devotionals per week and most importantly: content that drives you to God.
You won't be sorry you own and use this one.