I have gotten the biggest kick out of reading all the comments from the 'atheist' God haters that follow Ray Comfort, evangelist and pastor. It is amazing how many people want to argue with him and waste so much time debating a 'lunatic' who believes in myths. Why would anyone waste so much time debating someone who they believe to be 'insane'? It would be like trying to debate someone who didn't believe that Hilter's holocaust was real. There is no sense in debating such a person when all the evidence stands against their position. This person truly is insane and would not be worth even talking to about the subject. And yet, these atheists can not leave him alone. Fascinating really. Why do they do this? Simple really. They know there is a God because it is the very undeniable fingerprints left on their created soul that hound them day and night like Poe's heart under the floorboard. All the arguments, anger and denials can never drown out the constant beating of evidence of their Creator all around them and pulsating through them. Imagine receiving a brand new computer from Bill Gates himself and then spending the rest of your life using the computer to write, post and claim that Gates does not exist! Ha, its sadly crazy and yet this is where the 'atheist' finds himself employed his whole life. It is a frightening place to be in the crosshairs of the wrath of Almighty God. Lord, open their minds to see and give them life that they may believe like you gave to me so long ago.