The Selfless Gene
Knuckle dragging theology
By Charles Foster
The author and I have at least one thing in common: anger. He wrote that he was 'angry while writing the book' and I was angry while reading it. In the Selfless Gene, Foster attempts to so disparage and belittle Christians who actually believe the Bible concerning the creation account in hopes of shattering faith thus allowing his gods, natural selection plus whatever force allowed altruism, joy, pain and pleasure, to be seated. The hated view point of the 'Young Earth Creationists', as he calls them, so irritates this man that he feels compelled to shower the reader with gifts of evidence from science and logic. If anything, I am grateful to the author for hopefully showing the Answers In Genesis crowd that trying to dispute or prove various artifacts of evidence will never win or charm anyone into accepting God as sovereign over His creation. No matter which evidential rabbit trail you wonder down with an evolutionist you will always be tempted to point out folly concerning this bone or that rock in their thinking. The answers from the Creationists will always be the same: "God did it!" And, the answers from the evolutionists will always be the same too: "natural selection did it!" Dead ends, deaf ears and no common ground whatsoever will be found. The author tries and the author fails to find middle ground with a very poor conclusion to the book which leaves the reader with nothing: nothing to believe and nothing to hold. Be warned Christian reader, this man is certainly a wolf in predatory, natural selection, eat or be eaten clothing with no semblance of costuming. He openly states that Creationist evidence and positions are foolish and that after reading his book he will enlighten you and win you out of darkness. As usual, the evolutionist fails to answer the question, the most important question in the universe, why? Why us, why earth, why anything as opposed to nothing? Only God can answer that question and the evolutionist denies God so therefore these questions simply remained unanswered and really unasked by them. I have news for the author, evolutionists and evidential Creationists alike, the answer to our universe is very simple: God created an 'old earth' with the appearance of age. This theory is called the Appearance of Age Theory. The author apparently has never heard of it nor has it ever crossed his mind either. Here it is in a nutshell: God created the earth with the appearance of age for that is the only way He could have done it. Let me illustrate: Five minutes after God created an Oak tree if Adam were to chop it down how many growth rings would it have? By simple definition a certain aged tree must have growth rings equal to the seasonal yearly changes of growth. God created it and so created a 100 year old tree that was actually only five minutes 'old'. The same holds true with humans, rocks, gamma radiation, light rays and every other created thing. They all look and have to be a certain age to even exist and yet they were only minutes old after God spoke them into being. Why not reader? Couldn't God, who we believe to be all powerful and sovereign, create the world however He wished? This is exactly what I believe and it perfectly explains the world and every artifact. However, its not even close to being the most foolish thing I believe. No, I believe in something even more far-fetched. I believe that an ancient Jewish carpenter's son's death on a cross actually provided everything I needed to have all my sins forgiven and be put in perfectly right standing before God, my Creator. Now that's foolishness. I guess the author and those who buy in to his illogical conclusions will continue to drag their knuckles into the naturally selected godless, Christless future. As for me, I will continue to serve and believe God who supernaturally revealed Himself to me by His Word, the Bible by the enlightening of my darkened mind by God, Holy Spirit. Make no mistake about this book. This book is a battle but not the battle the author tries to fight between creationists and evolutionists. No, this battle is even more important concerning the trustworthiness of God's written word, the Bible, and the clear message of the gospel contained in that perfect Word. If the author doesn't want to believe what the bible says about creation why would he believe what the Bible says about Christ? The Bible, God and the gospel are on trial in this book.