Monday, September 5, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Teaching Imperfect Sunday School Curriculum
Since there isn't a perfect Sunday School curriculum, even ones that you have personally written for your own church, I guess I should have titled this "Teaching Sunday School Curriculum". But, that is boring and you wouldn't be reading to this point if I had entitled it as such.
What do I mean? Every curriculum has its weak points, areas that you have to skip, rewrite completely or tweak for your environment. The issues range from the theological and denominational to the educational. See if any of the following ring a bell:
So, what do we do as educators and teachers when our curriculum or a lesson falls short. First, if you consistently have lessons falling short it is probably time to shop for a new curriculum regardless of how undesirable or bothersome that thought is to you. You can only spray paint an old clunker for so long before its completely rusted through and won't pass inspection or can no longer be driven.
However, here are some practical ideas that you must teach your teachers how to employ when the curriculum slips up or falls short.
What do I mean? Every curriculum has its weak points, areas that you have to skip, rewrite completely or tweak for your environment. The issues range from the theological and denominational to the educational. See if any of the following ring a bell:
- A point is made or left out of a lesson that is theologically unsound in your mind
- Your denomination or church doesn't endorse that particular take on that bible story
- a lesson is written way over or way under the kid's heads that it was designed
- an activity requires supplies that are impossible to get or haven't even been invented yet
- a game or activity that takes space that you don't have
- a drama or skit that lists more actors than you even have in your class.
So, what do we do as educators and teachers when our curriculum or a lesson falls short. First, if you consistently have lessons falling short it is probably time to shop for a new curriculum regardless of how undesirable or bothersome that thought is to you. You can only spray paint an old clunker for so long before its completely rusted through and won't pass inspection or can no longer be driven.
However, here are some practical ideas that you must teach your teachers how to employ when the curriculum slips up or falls short.
- Nothing replaces a teacher's personal time in the Word. I always tell people that a curriculum is Methodist if a Methodist is teaching it. (You can substitute every conceivable denomination or church here to work the illustration.) The point is: if a lesson is lacking your theology then add it. Talk about it. Help your students understand what you or your church believes.
- Tweak every lacking aspect of a lesson. If an activity calls for butcher paper that you don't have then use a whiteboard, or a sidewalk and chalk or newspaper and bright red markers.
- Create your own fun twist to an activity. Don't like the provided game? Fine! Substitute your own game and utilize the conversation starters and references for the activity provided.
- Most boring classrooms have teachers that seem to toss all the age appropriate ideas from a curriculum and go straight lecture method. Ugh! Even the best curriculums published can't get off the ground if a teacher goes with the straight lecture/torture method. Gently break yourself or your teachers of this. You may need to take the wheel from a well intentioned teacher from time to time and show them how its done.
- Classrooms are won or lost on the small things: transitions, arriving early, preparing the material sometime before the drive in that morning, greeting the kids, joyful attitudes, proper classroom management and discipline techniques. None of these 'show up' in a curriculum. However, a well written and well executed curriculum can minimize these issues dramatically.
- Sometimes the simple order of programming can be changed or mixed up to add a zest to your classroom.
Well, there you have it. Teaching is an art form that has many hidden variables. As with any discipline that we pursue the rookies can easily be spotted from the veterans. Regardless, help all your teachers use the curriculum like a springboard and not crutches to limp in to the room.
Monday, April 4, 2011
A Wouk on the dark side
Herman Wouk, the Cain mutinous, windy war and peaceful writer compiles his thoughts in a very good read. I happenstanced this book at the local library, intrigued by the title and the back cover description. I'm glad I did because this book is a real gift to the Christian. Plain and simple, this book is a window into the unbeliever's skeptical, agnostic mind. I learned so much about how the problem of evil as the trial of God really is the heart of the matter for the God hating evolution believing humanists in the world. I also got a nice snapshot of how the worldwide Jewish people have been affected by constant persecution of the world.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Family Devotions and Discipleship in One Resource
Perfect solution for family devotions |
The layout of the book sets up the leader for great success. The Key Verse and Big Idea sections keep you on track while the Focus section is usually filled with a very provocative story or statement that is sure to generate a buzz around the kitchen table or classroom. The In The Word section is loaded with plenty of scripture and super creative ways to study those passages. I believe this would take all the worries even out of the newest rookie teachers or parents that may be new or shy as leaders of their families. Finally, the Reflect And Apply section drives home the main point with great exercises that I think separate this resource from others that I have seen and used in the past. I think this section above all others gave me the vision for this book that it would work well in adult Sunday school.
If you removed the words "for families" from the title, this book would be perfect for training new believers, discipling college or highschool students or even a Sunday School class. In fact, as I read and used the book with my own family I dreamed about how easily these 52 chapters would make a perfect year's worth of Sunday school lessons for a parents class. While the studies with all the creative exercises for starting conversations probably wouldn't work for children younger than first grade, the little ones in the audience could still benefit from hearing dad, mom, and older siblings interact with God's Word.
"What a creative way to think about that concept!" were the words that kept coming to my mind as I read this book. When you see God's Word come alive with such passion and uniqueness it gets you excited to share the concept with your family. What's not to get excited about topics covered in the book like prayer, basics of Christian living, theology, modern cultural issues like sex and drugs, and relationships.
With all this book offers, when you finished it in a year I think you would want to turn around and do it all over again since all the kids would be a year older and would have new insights and answers.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Half Time Kids = Full Time Work
The plague of modern society:
Most folks are only 50% committed to anything. RSVPs mean absolutely nothing. Returning emails, getting a 'like' from a Facebook post, a one year commitment to volunteer, and showing up most of the time to church or Sunday school is relegated to "Leave It To Beaver land". Its somewhere in another time period and not anymore.
How many of us in church ministry lament the lack of committed attendance. No matter what we program and provide it seems like the majority of our kids are only showing up about half the time. Considering 52 weeks a year for Sunday school that's about 25 to 30 times we will actually see the child in class. Of course kids don't drive themselves so its really a parental issue and another post.
We already know why this happens but sometimes the stark reality of the list has some affect on us if none other than eliciting pain, thus proving that we are still alive. Here it is in all its lacklustreness: divorce, vacations, sickness, sports, hobbies, weather, out of town guests, church shopping, and just playing hooky. This list does not even take into consideration the ridiculous numbers that show up way late to every event and class. I bet another 20% show up so late that the disruption is painful and then I wonder why bother to show up at all for last 10 minutes of leftovers and crumbs. It is some of the most childish, rebukable behavior that occurs in every church I know. It is a shameful scourge on our programming.
Problem: got it down!
Answer: not even close to nailing it down.
I go back to what I'm trying to accomplish as a teacher, a discipler of children, a parent too. Biblical discipleship is what I'm trying to do. 1. Holy Spirit saves a person. 2. Holy Spirit uses a person (like a parent or teacher) through the Word of God to grow this new believer from point A to point B. This is the "walking in Christ" sanctification process.
A couple of quick thoughts:
Most folks are only 50% committed to anything. RSVPs mean absolutely nothing. Returning emails, getting a 'like' from a Facebook post, a one year commitment to volunteer, and showing up most of the time to church or Sunday school is relegated to "Leave It To Beaver land". Its somewhere in another time period and not anymore.
How many of us in church ministry lament the lack of committed attendance. No matter what we program and provide it seems like the majority of our kids are only showing up about half the time. Considering 52 weeks a year for Sunday school that's about 25 to 30 times we will actually see the child in class. Of course kids don't drive themselves so its really a parental issue and another post.
We already know why this happens but sometimes the stark reality of the list has some affect on us if none other than eliciting pain, thus proving that we are still alive. Here it is in all its lacklustreness: divorce, vacations, sickness, sports, hobbies, weather, out of town guests, church shopping, and just playing hooky. This list does not even take into consideration the ridiculous numbers that show up way late to every event and class. I bet another 20% show up so late that the disruption is painful and then I wonder why bother to show up at all for last 10 minutes of leftovers and crumbs. It is some of the most childish, rebukable behavior that occurs in every church I know. It is a shameful scourge on our programming.
Problem: got it down!
Answer: not even close to nailing it down.
I go back to what I'm trying to accomplish as a teacher, a discipler of children, a parent too. Biblical discipleship is what I'm trying to do. 1. Holy Spirit saves a person. 2. Holy Spirit uses a person (like a parent or teacher) through the Word of God to grow this new believer from point A to point B. This is the "walking in Christ" sanctification process.
A couple of quick thoughts:
- My goal is not the numbers but the quality of the training
- I have to work with who shows up, the committed. Just like a coach has to field the team that is there and practiced up. The injured reserves and the lazy won't be playing Sunday in the game no matter how good they might be, were, or could be.
- I have to start on time even if its just me and a fellow teacher's kid in the room. (Again, reason? See point #2)
- The content of the program cannot be driven by or dictated by the lazy and the uncommitted. Jesus had a ton of 'disciples' or followers who came and went based on the food and the miracle show. He always programmed for the 12, the truly committed. Sure the crowds benefited from this, but if you look closely at the context, Jesus always was working with the 12. We should do the same.
- The modern "seeker" churches are in a real bind. They appear to be more committed to the masses (in all likelihood the lost in their midst than they are with the truly saved, committed small core.) They have subscribed to the tragic mistake of programming church for the lost, fair weather fans instead of the core rain or shine fanatics.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Tale of Two Bibles: Best Study Bible ever.
Being a brand new Christian and walking into a strange new world, the Christian Bookstore, looking for a new bible can be pretty overwhelming. I was thankful to even find a good store in Cookeville, TN in 1986 but I did. Cornerstone Christian Bookstore came to my aide. (Store location)
I was directed to the Thompson Chain Reference Bible (1983 edition when it was still in partnership with Zondervan) and it was such a good choice. I love this Bible and it has helped me grow in Christ and has made me look much smarter in Bible studies than I really am. The chain references and index is far superior than just study notes. You build your systematic theology every time you follow a chain of references. I love it. In fact I loved it so much that I started wearing my copy out after 25 years. I hated to retire this gem of a copy for several reasons. First, I knew this copy so well that I could find verses even if I couldn't remember their address simply by remembering what area of a page they occurred. Secondly, the Thompson Chain has gone through at least one new edition and thus the pagination changed and the partnership with Zondervan ended thus the newer copies are still wonderful but the concordance is not as robust as the old one I have.
Bring on eBay! I knew what I wanted, a replacement 1983 edition of my Bible that was clean and pristine and also in leather since mine was a hardback and I don't think they last as long. Plenty were to be found and the prices were about right $25 to $40. Remember, new ones will cost at least $59 and up. I bid on one but lost it in a bidding war and then God helped me land the perfect one. Leather bound, pristine and clean and at a great price, $25 after shipping even.
The only problem: used Bibles sometimes have the previous owner's name engraved. I'll have to change my name to the Rev. Harold F. Marr. I guess that could get more expensive than buying a new one.
Do you love your Bible too? Tell me about it in a comment below.
I was directed to the Thompson Chain Reference Bible (1983 edition when it was still in partnership with Zondervan) and it was such a good choice. I love this Bible and it has helped me grow in Christ and has made me look much smarter in Bible studies than I really am. The chain references and index is far superior than just study notes. You build your systematic theology every time you follow a chain of references. I love it. In fact I loved it so much that I started wearing my copy out after 25 years. I hated to retire this gem of a copy for several reasons. First, I knew this copy so well that I could find verses even if I couldn't remember their address simply by remembering what area of a page they occurred. Secondly, the Thompson Chain has gone through at least one new edition and thus the pagination changed and the partnership with Zondervan ended thus the newer copies are still wonderful but the concordance is not as robust as the old one I have.
Bring on eBay! I knew what I wanted, a replacement 1983 edition of my Bible that was clean and pristine and also in leather since mine was a hardback and I don't think they last as long. Plenty were to be found and the prices were about right $25 to $40. Remember, new ones will cost at least $59 and up. I bid on one but lost it in a bidding war and then God helped me land the perfect one. Leather bound, pristine and clean and at a great price, $25 after shipping even.
The only problem: used Bibles sometimes have the previous owner's name engraved. I'll have to change my name to the Rev. Harold F. Marr. I guess that could get more expensive than buying a new one.
Do you love your Bible too? Tell me about it in a comment below.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Turning over the keys to a new driver = FEAR
A challenging book about parenting that introduces some new ideas. Having something new and fresh to say about a topic that already has a million books shelved and a billion opinions expressed is tough to accomplish. The Stadtmillers may have pulled it off in Give Your Kids The Keys. While I certainly don't agree with all of their theology, especially their hearing God's voice beliefs, I was more than challenged and encouraged by the overall direction they have taken in parenting. I really appreciated the personal examples found throughout the book as well as the bigger vision of parenting they revealed to me. The title of the book is fabulous because it helps me to easily remember the contents of the book but more importantly reminds me of my role in my kids life. As a father, I must be working towards affording my kids every opportunity to be their own person before the Lord even at the youngest of ages. I can see this book not only in the hands of parents but also in the hands of church leaders, Family Pastor's and Children's Pastors. This one goes in my permanent library and will be referenced again.
Note about the review: I received this book free from Gospel Light with no strings attached and with no expectations of even posting a review, let alone a positive review.
Note about the review: I received this book free from Gospel Light with no strings attached and with no expectations of even posting a review, let alone a positive review.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
The cancer and poison of unconfessed sin
The cancer and poison of unconfessed sin
Psalm 32
3 When I kept silent,my bones wasted away
through my groaning all day long.
4 For day and night
your hand was heavy upon me;
my strength was sapped
as in the heat of summer.
9 Do not be like the horse or the mule,
which have no understanding
but must be controlled by bit and bridle
or they will not come to you.
10 Many are the woes of the wicked,
Here is the cry of a sinner that sounds a lot like mental illness. I am convinced from my own life experience and life observation that most onset (non physical injury) mental illness and insanity is the result of unconfessed and unrepentant sin. Notice the terrible consequences of this hidden sin: they are physical: bones, strength, uncontrolled body movements. They are emotional: groaning. They are mental: no understanding. They are social: woes of the wicked, must be physically restrained (padded cell, straight jacket, sedated possibly). It is not a pretty picture at all.
I remember many times in my life where the weight of hidden, unconfessed sin was crushing me in many of these ways. Fear of being caught in particular was extremely raw. In the 4th grade I caused an entire classroom to be flooded at West Newton Elementary school by some foolish actions that all the boys were doing but my hand was the final straw that busted the in class water fountain. Even as the students were all huddled on desktop I began the cover up that lasted for years. It was not until I was saved by Jesus some 12 years later that I confessed that sin to my parents.
This is what we do as sinners. From the garden fig leaves to an ornery boy in the 70s we are cover up artists for our sins. There is only one answer: Christ. Confess and repent and run to Christ in belief of His perfect life and His perfect answer in the cross. Notice the passage before us.
1 Blessed is he
whose transgressions are forgiven,
whose sins are covered.
2 Blessed is the man
whose sin the LORD does not count against him
and in whose spirit is no deceit.
5 Then I acknowledged my sin to you
and did not cover up my iniquity.
I said, "I will confess
my transgressions to the LORD "—
and you forgave
the guilt of my sin.
6 Therefore let everyone who is godly pray to you
while you may be found;
See the elements of confession and then forgiveness by God.
Finally, notice all the amazing benefits afforded by God in this passage. Spiritual health permeates our whole body both material and immaterial.
1 Blessed is he
2 Blessed is the man
5 you forgave
the guilt of my sin.
6 surely when the mighty waters rise,
they will not reach him.
7 You are my hiding place;
you will protect me from trouble
and surround me with songs of deliverance.
8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you and watch over you.
10 but the LORD's unfailing love
surrounds the man who trusts in him.
11 Rejoice in the LORD and be glad, you righteous;
sing, all you who are upright in heart!
Singing before the Lord or silent shameful suffering.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Hey, don't feel bad, nobody told me either!
Well, this book was sure an eye-opener. "Nobody told me either!" is what I kept catching myself thinking as I read this book. Oh sure I had most of the biology of sex and relationships down by late high school but the emotional and spiritual scars of fornication and adultery are still so shocking and sobering to hear.
This is a great book. This is a book I will have each of my own children read before they hit the "dating" years. This is a book that should be required reading in every middle school in the country. This is a book that every "dating" person of any age should read, reread and take on their date with them to be co-read by the couple. Sex outside of marriage is an extremely grievous condition to fall into. Pam lays out the truth in all its sad and gory detail in a modern, social networking format that is brilliant and will certainly keep the attention of any teenager. Using Facebook as the genre of writing is both brilliant and novel. Excellent job, Pam. I look forward to sharing this book's insights and inspirations toward godliness with as many who will listen.
A way I think the book could have been improved. Everything can be better, right? I wish Pam would explore and latch on to "courting" instead of "dating". Courting is a more Biblical, godly way to pursue marriage than dating which is quite worldly. Courting involves the whole family, commitments to all that Pam mentions in her book, but in the context of relationship for the sole purpose of marriage. She really needs to explore the purpose of her 'dating' advice at 16. I disagree wholeheartedly with that age. I know she talks mostly to worldly people on school campuses who will continue to worldly date and "go steady" but standards are standards. Here is a better way. No "dating" or "courting" or whatever you want to call it until you can support a wife or are able and mature enough to be ready to marry. "Dating" is for spouse hunting not just something socially to do. Dating implies window shopping and try before you buy. Courting implies commitment with intention to marry. With that change of mindset everything changes with kids. I've rarely meet a teenager that is mature enough to be ready to marry and thus they should not be dating. This would improve this book greatly by adding a chapter on this topic: the better way. I know this sounds old fashioned and impossibly impractical in our modern age but I serve a God who is all that but provides the grace and strength to make all things possible.
This is a great book. This is a book I will have each of my own children read before they hit the "dating" years. This is a book that should be required reading in every middle school in the country. This is a book that every "dating" person of any age should read, reread and take on their date with them to be co-read by the couple. Sex outside of marriage is an extremely grievous condition to fall into. Pam lays out the truth in all its sad and gory detail in a modern, social networking format that is brilliant and will certainly keep the attention of any teenager. Using Facebook as the genre of writing is both brilliant and novel. Excellent job, Pam. I look forward to sharing this book's insights and inspirations toward godliness with as many who will listen.
A way I think the book could have been improved. Everything can be better, right? I wish Pam would explore and latch on to "courting" instead of "dating". Courting is a more Biblical, godly way to pursue marriage than dating which is quite worldly. Courting involves the whole family, commitments to all that Pam mentions in her book, but in the context of relationship for the sole purpose of marriage. She really needs to explore the purpose of her 'dating' advice at 16. I disagree wholeheartedly with that age. I know she talks mostly to worldly people on school campuses who will continue to worldly date and "go steady" but standards are standards. Here is a better way. No "dating" or "courting" or whatever you want to call it until you can support a wife or are able and mature enough to be ready to marry. "Dating" is for spouse hunting not just something socially to do. Dating implies window shopping and try before you buy. Courting implies commitment with intention to marry. With that change of mindset everything changes with kids. I've rarely meet a teenager that is mature enough to be ready to marry and thus they should not be dating. This would improve this book greatly by adding a chapter on this topic: the better way. I know this sounds old fashioned and impossibly impractical in our modern age but I serve a God who is all that but provides the grace and strength to make all things possible.
Monday, January 31, 2011
You are a slave!
You are a slave! Many people in modern America don't like to think about slavery, much less being a slave. I mean the last slave in America was in the 1860s right? Wrong! Everyone you see today is still a slave, either a slave of sin or a slave of Christ.
Dr. MacArthur helps us unlock a word and certainly the divine, wonderful truth of the word in Greek, doulos, or slave. Lost in translation in all but a few translations over the centuries could this be a cover up for a conspiracy? Why would this word that is used at least 40 times in the Bible to describe Christians be translated on purpose as the word "servant" or "bondservant" instead of "slave"? Could it be theological? Political? Cultural? Could it be that Arminians and Pelagians, who hate the doctrines of grace supported by Calvinists, controlled Bible translating and didn't like the God centered, God controlling aspects of Christians described as slaves, deciding to use a more man-centric, man's 'free will' determined word like servant? This book clearly proves why 'slave' is the correct word and 'servant' is error.
What are the implications that the word Christian didn't mean "little Christ" like I was always taught but "Slaves of Christ"? The Bible paints this picture very clearly for us if we are willing to admit and believe that God has us as His slaves. Read this excellent book to find out how a simple little word can change your life.
The book is a great read especially with the thrill of a cover-up in the mix. Dr. MacArthur takes on the role of Sherlock Holmes as he discovers truth that has been hidden for a very long time. Anyone serious about a God-centric Gospel needs to read and understand the implications found in this study.
Dr. MacArthur helps us unlock a word and certainly the divine, wonderful truth of the word in Greek, doulos, or slave. Lost in translation in all but a few translations over the centuries could this be a cover up for a conspiracy? Why would this word that is used at least 40 times in the Bible to describe Christians be translated on purpose as the word "servant" or "bondservant" instead of "slave"? Could it be theological? Political? Cultural? Could it be that Arminians and Pelagians, who hate the doctrines of grace supported by Calvinists, controlled Bible translating and didn't like the God centered, God controlling aspects of Christians described as slaves, deciding to use a more man-centric, man's 'free will' determined word like servant? This book clearly proves why 'slave' is the correct word and 'servant' is error.
What are the implications that the word Christian didn't mean "little Christ" like I was always taught but "Slaves of Christ"? The Bible paints this picture very clearly for us if we are willing to admit and believe that God has us as His slaves. Read this excellent book to find out how a simple little word can change your life.
The book is a great read especially with the thrill of a cover-up in the mix. Dr. MacArthur takes on the role of Sherlock Holmes as he discovers truth that has been hidden for a very long time. Anyone serious about a God-centric Gospel needs to read and understand the implications found in this study.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
What is the Gospel? (And what it is NOT.)
I am pleased with this book. Simple to understand, great illustrations and a very clear, biblical presentation of the four essential points of the Gospel. I'll give you one hint: "God loves and has a wonderful plan for your life." is NOT one of the four and it NEVER was. I was deceived for almost 10 years with that one.
Gilbert breaks the Gospel down into the four key points of a proper, biblical Gospel presentation. These four points are: accountability, rebellion, solution and application. The points are clearly supported with scripture, which I really appreciate.
I was reminded once again as I read this book that God has two very distinct ways that He has dealt with man's rebellion against Him. Both involve death. Someone must die and be punished for each individual sinner is held accountable before God. Either Jesus Christ will die as a substitution for a sinner on the cross and then this applied when the person repents and trusts Christ or the sinner will die and face condemnation alone at the final judgment.
For a short book the Gospel was clear, the outline is helpful to remember and the scriptures are given as proper support. Faith and repentance are mentioned which is certainly not the norm in books about the Gospel. However, there is one area that I feel was left out. Actually a friend of mine who gave me the book to read helped me see this. I went back and scanned the book again to verify his complaint. How salvation is applied and the origin of faith and repentance are not clearly explained. God is the giver of salvation. But, what is most often overlooked in modern Gospel and witnessing presentations is that faith and repentance are also gifts from God and not within the sinner until God rebirths them upon regeneration. This order of salvation is critical and is the difference between a God exalting salvation where man is the total recipient of grace verses a semi man centered Gospel where God does a little bit by providing Jesus and man kicks in his personal faith to complete the transaction. The scriptures do not support the later.
I like the book but do have that one reservation.
Gilbert breaks the Gospel down into the four key points of a proper, biblical Gospel presentation. These four points are: accountability, rebellion, solution and application. The points are clearly supported with scripture, which I really appreciate.
I was reminded once again as I read this book that God has two very distinct ways that He has dealt with man's rebellion against Him. Both involve death. Someone must die and be punished for each individual sinner is held accountable before God. Either Jesus Christ will die as a substitution for a sinner on the cross and then this applied when the person repents and trusts Christ or the sinner will die and face condemnation alone at the final judgment.
For a short book the Gospel was clear, the outline is helpful to remember and the scriptures are given as proper support. Faith and repentance are mentioned which is certainly not the norm in books about the Gospel. However, there is one area that I feel was left out. Actually a friend of mine who gave me the book to read helped me see this. I went back and scanned the book again to verify his complaint. How salvation is applied and the origin of faith and repentance are not clearly explained. God is the giver of salvation. But, what is most often overlooked in modern Gospel and witnessing presentations is that faith and repentance are also gifts from God and not within the sinner until God rebirths them upon regeneration. This order of salvation is critical and is the difference between a God exalting salvation where man is the total recipient of grace verses a semi man centered Gospel where God does a little bit by providing Jesus and man kicks in his personal faith to complete the transaction. The scriptures do not support the later.
I like the book but do have that one reservation.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Best Bible Highlighter
My choice of Bible highlighter
By Steelsmitty from Brentwood, TN on 1/14/2011
5out of 5
Pros: Color Choices, No bleed through, Easy and quick, Bible page friendlyBest Uses: Devotions, Scripture memory, Sermons, Any highlighting needs
I've been consistently using the SAME Pentel Highlighter since the early 90s and it has NOT broken! Lead refills are easy to come by. This product has to be one of my favorite purchases I've ever made. It is in my top 5 products that I have ever owned for usefulness and longevity. You will never regret owning one.
A Wide margin Bible but print is too small
Wide margin but small print
By Steelsmitty from Brentwood, TN on 1/14/2011
2out of 5
Pros: Wide margin for notes, Solidly Built, Excellent translationCons: Poor font size
Best Uses: Students, Devotional notes, Daily journal, Younger eyes, Sermon notes
An outstanding choice for sermon note taking or devotional notes.
The print is so small that only those with excellent vision will enjoy this bible.
The print is so small that only those with excellent vision will enjoy this bible.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Big Questions need Big Answers from the Bible
Impressive 13 lessons for ages 3 to 12 |
As usual, Gospel Light takes a fun and yet solidly Biblical, bible centered and creative approach for your classes and lessons. The included CD has the book's contents plus music and customizable files that make this resource significant, in other words, worth using and then easy to use. I think summer time midweek or even Sunday School could really benefit from this curriculum. Before you wear yourself out looking for those 4 or so lessons in between what you are teaching do yourself a favor and check this one out.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Big Books rescue big ministry problems
Big Book of message rescue |
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